Exploring Factors Influencing Acceptance of E-Learning Methodologies by Management Students During Pandemic
COVID–19, E-Learning Methodologies, Factors, Management Students, Pandemic.Abstract
1. To identify the key factors which affect e-learning
2. To study the influence of the factors over the acceptance to e-learning methods.
Due to the pandemic, e-learning has become a mandatory part of students of all academic levels across the globe. This disastrous condition has transformed the mechanism of offline learning into online learning and transformed the learning methodologies from students’ perspectives.
This study is an attempt to analyse the level of satisfaction of the management students through e-learning methodologies and platforms. The study will help to find solutions to strengthen the students' self-learning skills. It will also help to find out the students' attitudes towards elearning during a pandemic.
Research Methodology
Factor analysis is done to find out the factors affecting the attitude of management students of Delhi and NCR region towards e-learning methodologies and e-learning platforms. Further regression analysis is done to find to evolve a structured model to evaluate the attitude of the management students towards e-learning.
Factors affecting the e-learning methodologies were identified by using statistical tools and are named as Barriers to e-learning, Advantages of e- learning, Comfort of Online Classes, Technical Skills and Support and Cost Benefits. A linear Regression model was evolved by taking six extracted factors as independent variables and e-learning as a dependent variable. All factors were found to be significant in predicting elearning methods.
This study is an original piece of work of the authors.
The data collection was done from Delhi and NCR region. Same study can be done in other regions of the country and results can be compared.
Practical Implications
The study will help the management institutions to evaluate the behavior of the students towards e-learning.
How to Cite
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