Tracing a Women's Career: Challenges and Pathways with Emphasis on it Sector
Career Restart, Woman Working Professionals, Glass Ceiling, Career Pipeline, Career Break, Challenges, Leadership.Abstract
India has traversed a long way when it comes to giving opportunities to women which are equal to that of men in terms of career. Because of this, a major change in the statistics has been noticed for the last few decades in the number of women professionals. But what has also come to light with this is the sudden break that is imposed on many women‟s careers as and when they come to a certain age. Where earlier only marriage and the responsibilities which came along with it were the major reason for this dropout, today many more factors have come into the picture. This paper is an attempt to highlight such factors. It will help women and corporates to be well prepared for their future and in turn, have a better and more successful career.Downloads
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P V Nilufer Azeez and R G Priyadarshini 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 390 012021
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