An Integrated Csr and Social Entrepreneurship Model for Rural Education in India


  • K. Kumar   Central Water Power Research Station, Pune
  • K. Naveen   Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad


Company Social Responsibility, Social Entrepreneurship, BET Model for Rural Education, ICT-Enabled Rural Education.


Social entrepreneurship and social enterprises are rapidly emerging as a field of interest. It is strongly focussed in the field of practice and needs attention for research. Social entrepreneurship (SE) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are significantly different in some ways and also very much alike in others. CSR initiatives motivated by the public and private companies in India are of short term nature and of isolated one. Hence, Social entrepreneurship calls for a pro-active participation in corporate social responsibility. Existing approaches may not deliver long-term objectives of social entrepreneurship and needs attention. For example, every issue in our society is linked each other by directly or indirectly. The Society we live in, where illiteracy is the strongest link and many effects on the social development. Illiteracy is the root cause of all issues and it leads birth to many other social issues like poverty, unemployment, child labor, female foeticide, population burst and much more. There is a disparity between the urban and rural population in terms of literacy in India. The primary sector of employment is agriculture where the education is not mandatory for employment. This basic issue in rural society leads to high illiteracy rate. Illiteracy in India is characterized by wide gaps between the urban and rural populations. The rural population depends mainly on agriculture and the rate of illiteracy is high. This basic issue in rural society leads to high illiteracy rate. The government literacy schemes like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, National Literacy Mission and Right to Education is far from complete satisfaction.

The existing approaches in social businesses and CSR need attention. The paper identifies literacy is a reasonable mother of all issues in a society and a reasonably best indicator for a future development. The paper focuses an integrated model on social entrepreneurship and CSR for education in the rural sector. The overall objective of this paper is to devise a Built Educate and Transfer (BET) model for rural education model in order to improve the connectivity of education to social processes. The objective of the paper is to motivate the business entities to focus on meeting tomorrow's challenges by using integrated CSR and Social Entrepreneurship in rural education.


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How to Cite

Kumar, K., & Naveen, K. (2016). An Integrated Csr and Social Entrepreneurship Model for Rural Education in India. Journal of Applied Management- Jidnyasa, 8(2), 36–42. Retrieved from