Brand Awareness Generating Capability of Indian Cricketers in Kolkata


  • Supriyo Patra   Department of Business Administration, ST. Xavier’s College (Autonomous)
  • Saroj Kumar Datta   School of Business, Galgotias University


Brand, Brand Recall, Celebrity, Indian Cricketers, Media.


Cricket is the most popular sport in India today and the Cricketers enjoy huge fan following and media attention. The primary objective of this study is aimed at determining the skill of the Indian Cricketers in generating Brand Recall among respondents of different gender and age groups in Kolkata. Primary research was conducted with cross sectional research design by applying survey method among a randomly selected sample of 400 respondents in Kolkata with a structured questionnaire. Independent sample t-test and ANOVA techniques were used for analyzing the data.

The findings show that there is no significant difference in their brand recall generation capacity among male and female respondents. However, they are having a significant impact in generating brand recall among the respondents belonging to the age group (18-25) years compared to the others three age groups selected for the study.


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How to Cite

Patra, S., & Datta, S. K. (2015). Brand Awareness Generating Capability of Indian Cricketers in Kolkata. Journal of Applied Management- Jidnyasa, 7(1), 24–35. Retrieved from



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