A Case Study on Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited: ATragic Story of a Publisher


  • Swati Khatkale   Symbiosis School of Banking Management


While celebrating its platinum jubilee (75 years of establishment), Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited (DCHL) faced a gamut of problems. DCHL, one of the top English Newspaper Publishing House in Southern India, recently ventured into other businesses like IPL franchise -&Life Style Retail- . Mismanagement and unrelated diversification led to default on its nonconvertible debentures. It faced legal action from banks&other financial institutions for nonrepayment of debt and misrepresentation of balance sheet. Kotak Mahindra Bank even took actual possession of its Hyderabad based Kodapur plant under SARFASI Act 2002. This case goes into depth to find out the causes of financial distress. It also illustrates various options available to bankers&other financial institutions to recover its loan. This case can also be used in the class for finding out options left for a defaulted company to get back its profitability.


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How to Cite

Khatkale, S. (2014). A Case Study on Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited: ATragic Story of a Publisher. Journal of Applied Management- Jidnyasa, 6(1), 21–30. Retrieved from https://simsjam.net/index.php/Jidnyasa/article/view/122220