Role of Spirituality in Management


  • Abha R. Dixit   Business Communication Area, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow


Business, Spirituality, Contentment, Happiness, Success.


Today, the objective of business is driven towards earning a profit at any cost. But, without following certain business ethics, the growth of the business can never be stable and steady for a long time. The whole idea of achieving profit at any cost is not a sustainable model for any business that wants to flourish and excel. Our ancient classic book "Bhagwad Gita" clearly states, "Ati Sarvatra Varjate" means the excess of anything is prohibited. Since the evolution, man has always been eager to experience and move forward towards newer and innovative paths. This reminds of a classic example from Ulysses written by Alfred Lord Tennyson:

"And this grey spirit yearning in desire, to follow knowledge like a sinking star, to strive, to seek, to find and not to yield."

Even Milton in his poem "Paradise Lost" talked about this eagerness and inquisitiveness of human beings

"OF Man's First Disobedience, and the Fruit, of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal taste Brought Death into the World, and all our woe."

It's all about the man's first disobedience or we can say the lack of control on his feelings/senses, which brought sorrows, miseries and pain after having been thrown out of Eden, where a man was happily placed. This is the prime reason of man's fall from the paradise. This study is an attempt to study organizational practices for developing spiritual orientation in management systems and their impact on organizational society. The study is conceptual and qualitative in nature and to carry it out certain depth interviews were conducted to understand the role of spirituality in management. The study concludes that for any organization to run effectively, spirituality is the core to attain happiness, contentment and success at the same time.


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How to Cite

Dixit, A. R. (2017). Role of Spirituality in Management. Journal of Applied Management- Jidnyasa, 9(2), 2–13. Retrieved from


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