Industrial Relations of HR Management in a Start-Up Company


  • Priya Sharma   Della Adventure and Resort


In the modern industrial society there are rising concerns and complex problems of Industrial relations and maintaining a healthy work environment. Without labour synergy and amiable relationships, industrial progress is impossible. Therefore, sound relations between employees (labour) and employers (management) holds utmost importance. Effective performance can be seen in an organisation when the employees and employers work towards the organisation goal together and share the same vision. A sound Industrial Relations comprises of congenial relations between employees and employer, minimized industrial conflicts and contribution to the organizational objectives. In today‘s time, companies need to maintain an ever dynamic environment in the business line. The report also highlights the challenges faced in the business and at workplace. The objective of the project is to learn about the services and legal requirements in the field of IR. It is essential to note about the various Legal Acts covered in the study as they form the basis of Industrial Relations in an organisation. It helps in mediating relationship between workers and employers, trade unions and the government. Also, these Acts ensure labour market security, remuneration security and suitable working conditions for the working population.


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How to Cite

Sharma, P. (2019). Industrial Relations of HR Management in a Start-Up Company. Journal of Applied Management- Jidnyasa, 11(1), 49–54. Retrieved from


Company Profile‖ - accessed on 20th May 2016

Product Details‖ - accessed on 20th May 2016

Information taken from the HR manual