Impact of Demographic Variables on Purchase of Beauty Enhancing Products amongst Working Women


  • Nidhi Pandey   Sri Balaji Society, Pune


Beauty Consciousness, Demographic Variables (Age, Income, Occupation, Education, Marital Status) and their Social Influence of Working Women Skills, Self –esteem.


Women have the innate tendency to look beautiful since prehistoric times like Indus valley (ASSOCHAM, 2016) civilization. In 21 st century this was furthered by sequel to the liberalization phase of the 90s which witnessed Indian ladies winning the beauty pageants at International stage. As per article in Times of India (2011) the income of working women has increased to Rs 9457 in 2010 from an average of Rs 4000 in 2001. W ith more disposable income in hand working women close to 35% spend on themselves as per IMRB report(2010). One of the propellant in the rise of cosmetics is feel good factor that women experience after application of cosmetics (Price, Coulter , Micu 2009) Cosmetics also gives a boost to self-esteem of the women (Guthrie et al 2009). The study examined the relation between Demographic variables with beauty consciousness in working women of Hyderabad and the application of different beauty products to enhance the facial beauty. Survey research design was employed in this study. Convenience sampling was used and sample size was 400 .

The results showed that women have natural inclination to look beautiful across all demographic variables. The findings can be useful for beauty product and marketing companies to group women of all age to one big group and cater their products to suit demands of various groups of women divided on different parameters of age, occupation, education and profession. The result directed that women regardless of age, income, education, and marital status have propensity to look beautiful but in respect to application of products which require dexterity and is time consuming; the relationship is inversely proportional.


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How to Cite

Pandey, N. (2019). Impact of Demographic Variables on Purchase of Beauty Enhancing Products amongst Working Women. Journal of Applied Management- Jidnyasa, 11(2), 1–9. Retrieved from


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