Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Entrepreneurship


  • Reena Agrawal   Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow


Sustainable, Entrepreneurship, Business.


Despite economic growth across the world, there is a rise in societal, economic, and environmental threats. The adverse penalties of environmental depletion include reduction of natural resources, lack of clean water, draught, and loss of bio-diversity, (Greco, & de Jong, 2017). There is income divide is increasing, there is unequal access to openings and resources, gender inequalities are persisting, more people living in poverty and are dying of hunger (Ploum, et al., 2018). These issues clearly bring out the need for sustainable entrepreneurship. This study has illustrated a conceptual model which can be adopted by enterprises so that they not merely contribute in economic growth but also participate in the preservation of the ecology and growth and development of the society. The finding of the current paper shall give new insights to the existing entrepreneurs, potential entrepreneurs, policy makers, academicians and researchers to promote the cause of sustainability in all dimensions of business and research.


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How to Cite

Agrawal, R. (2022). Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Journal of Applied Management- Jidnyasa, 14(1), 61–74. Retrieved from



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