Study of Post-Pandemic Consumer Online Apparel Buying Behaviour in India


  • Vaishali Pardeshi   -Assistant Professor, Kohinoor Business School, Mumbai.
  • Vandana Tandon Khanna   Assistant Professor, K J Somaiya Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai


Pandemic, Post lockdown, Apparel, Attitude, Intention, Behaviour.


This work intends to examine the Indian consumer’s post-pandemic apparel buying behaviour. The influence of factors such as serviceability, operability, trust, and hedonic motivation on consumer’s attitude for apparel e-shopping and their online apparel buying intention in postpandemic is studied. A sample of 518 Indian apparel e-shoppers during the post-pandemic was used for the study. Conceptual framework is suggested using SEM and Regression. The analysis was done using AMOS and SPSS. It was observed that perceived operability, trust and hedonic motivation impacted consumer’s attitude and buying intentions for online apparel in the post-pandemic period. However, it was noted that perceived serviceability did not show any significant impact. The study also presents many interesting insights for Indian apparel etailers for designing strategies in post-pandemic times.


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How to Cite

Pardeshi, V., & Tandon Khanna, V. (2022). Study of Post-Pandemic Consumer Online Apparel Buying Behaviour in India. Journal of Applied Management- Jidnyasa, 14(2), 44–58. Retrieved from


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