A Study of Impact of Covid-19 on Retail Sector: Special Reference to Amravati


  • Vansh Gopalrao Kolhe   Prerna Institute of Commerce, Amravati.


COVID-19, Retail Sector, Consumer Behaviour, Pandemic.


India is the world’s largest fifth global market in the retail sector. India's retail sector is expected to reach from US$ 0.8 trillion in 2020 up to US$ 1.5 trillion in 2030. But due to some obstacles the India’s retail sector collapse. Demonetarization, GST, and last Covid-19 hit retail sector as a tsunami. And it’s totally affects consumer behaviour and their purchasing power it can say that it is the backbone of retail sector. The author's objective in this study is to analyze the impact of various factors on the development of the retail sector during Covid-19. To test hypothesis the SEM (structural equational modeling) statistical test was used. For hypothesis testing R-studio software was used. It is concluded that the use of digital payments & technology, consumer behaviour, transport has significant impact on development of retail sector during covid-19 pandemic. And retail sector is highly affected by consumer behaviour.


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How to Cite

Gopalrao Kolhe, V. (2022). A Study of Impact of Covid-19 on Retail Sector: Special Reference to Amravati. Journal of Applied Management- Jidnyasa, 14(2), 117–131. Retrieved from https://simsjam.net/index.php/Jidnyasa/article/view/172818


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