Managing Stress through Changing Lifestyle


  • Surya Rashmi Rawat   Symbiosis International University, Symbiosis Law School, Pune
  • Ajay Singh   Symbiosis International University, Symbiosis Law School, Pune
  • Cherry Gupta   Symbiosis International University, Symbiosis Law School, Pune
  • Prakash Verma   Symbiosis International University, Symbiosis Law School, Pune


Stressors, Work-Environment, Work-Stress, Stress Burnout, Stress Management.


In the past few decades suddenly the significance of the word stress and its management has gained a lot of attention all over the globe. Globalization, industrialization, changing demography etc are some of the reasons adding to it. The changes in the environmental factors are gradually adding to stress in various forms such as increased work load.All this calls for an efficient stress management system. The objective of the present research paper is to find out ways to efficiently resolve stress arising out of increased workload in an organization, at the individual and the organizational level. The conclusion is drawn on the basis of analysis and interpretat ion of data collected through questionnaire survey and in-depth interview of the professionals working in Pune city. The end of the paper talks about certain recommendations to manage stress.


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How to Cite

Rawat, S. R., Singh, A., Gupta, C., & Verma, P. (2014). Managing Stress through Changing Lifestyle. Journal of Applied Management- Jidnyasa, 6(1), 101–108. Retrieved from



Research Papers