Corporate Social Responsibility- A key Driver in Employee Engagement


  • Suruchi Pandey   SIMS, Pune


Organizations of all kinds have begun making a gradual and powerful move toward sustainability, as they recognize increasing convergences between economic and environmental interests. Pressure from customers, employees, and investors, as well as the promise of tightening regulations of greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts, is helping to drive the advancement of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs. Employee engagement programs are initiatives that build employees' attachment to their workplaces and promote enthusiastic employee involvement in helping achieve organizational goals. To strengthen employee engagement and performance, organizations traditionally focus on internal factors, such as learning and development, career opportunities, and leadership effectiveness. Now, add corporate social responsibility (CSR) to the list. This is when the twist in story appears and gives it a different approach. The present study attempts to capture the flavor of the same from all the possible angles.

Primary and secondary data was collected to understand meet the objective of the study. Primary data in form of interview and secondary data through various sources as articles and references to various research from journals, magazines, elibrary and websites have been collected to explore the correlation of CSR activities and employee engagement.


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How to Cite

Pandey, S. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility- A key Driver in Employee Engagement. Journal of Applied Management- Jidnyasa, 3, 63–68. Retrieved from



Human Resources