Volume 3, 2011
A Case for Public Funding of Higher Education
Management Education in 2020: Issues, Challenges^ and Opportunities The Role of Management Education in 2020: Indian context
Blue Ocean Strategies In Management Education : A Global & Strategic Perspective
Revisiting Higher Education in India-A Reality Check
Human Sigma-An Innovative Tool for Enhancing Quality of Education
Economics & Finance
Poverty Alleviation: Study on Small and Medium (SME's) Scale Organizations of India
The Myths and Realities of India Advantage-what Needs to be Done to Reach the Potential
The Venture Capital Investment:A Help for the Growth of Entrepreneurships in India
Emphasis on Predictive Analysis can Enable the Indian Insurer to Gain an Edge in a Fast Changing Ecqnomy
Problems and Prospects of Women Entrepreneurs in Navi Mumbai: A Case Study
Human Resources
Introduction of Gandhian Leadership Style in Management Education to Solve Unethical Corporate Practices
Corporate Social Responsibility- A key Driver in Employee Engagement
The Pursuit of Happiness
Managing Organisational Change After Mergers
Managing Virtual Relationship - A Challenge for HR
Leveraging the Managerial Competencies with Ongoing Training which Enhance Emotional Quotient
Distorted Mirror Image Reflections in Social Advertising
Impact of Store Brand Emotions on Consumer Choice of Store in an Organized Retail Environment
Changing Dynamics of Management Through Innovation and Creativity
Brand Building Through Service Management - A Case Study of Maruti Udyog Limited (MUL)
Level of Customer Satisfaction Among The Users of Aircel In Sivagangai District
De-Mystifying Coffee Pubs
Customer Relationship Management
Celebrity Endorsements - Money Well Spent?
Title: The Great Indian Retail Story
An overview of Manufacturing IT From Perspective of Enterprise and Manufacturing Systems
Implementation of Lean Manufacturing System Enhances the Productivity of an Organisation at a Pump Manufacturing Unit in Coimbatore-A Case Study
The Impact of Crisis on the Export Oriented Manufacturing in the United States